It’s a simple way to show what you mean and get feedback from others. Sketching can be used as a journaling activity to record and explore your interests. It can also be used to explore multiple options you could take in what is sketching a particular design. It can be made both in the open air (“pleinair” in French) and working from your memory – recollections of your trip when you are back at home, or using photos and creating compositions out of them. They are also used in Web site design and graphic design to quickly evaluate layout choices. No matter which method you choose, it’s always good to start with something quick and simple, which then becomes a base for more complex lines. Here, we provide six simple drawing practice exercises that revolve around drawing for graphic design. As long as your sketches are good enough that they capture the necessary elements, drawing skill is unnecessary. A sketch can be very useful to artists of all mediums for a variety of reasons. It seems to be the small and the obvious part of every project without which you basically cannot launch your work. If the designer’s table or desktop is full of various sketches and ideas, it is one of the teeny tiny markers of high professionalism levels. Sketching helps save time, preserve the ideas, and have more fun! Turn your concept into creation Sketching is a great way to explore design ideas quickly and simply. It helps you figure out what works and what doesn’t, so you can make better decisions about the design process. The product design book Design Sketching explains the entire process of sketching for product design. The example below from the book shows how a designer might investigate a problem and explore potential solutions. In the tutorial Creating A Cool Vintage Collage Design In Photoshop, Fabio describes how it’s faster to do some sketches before going to the computer. As you can see below, he captures the basic composition on the left in a sketch. A range of this kind of media in the art-shops can impress and confuse at the same time. But don’t worry, my friends, in this article on my blog I recommend you a nice and compact set of marker colours, which I use most of the time. This is followed by freehand rendering, which may take 1-2 hours, and for this stage, we will be using markers. Importance of Sketching in the Graphic Design Hand-drawn sketching plays an important role in the digital arts. The larger a project is, and the more concepts a client will need to see, the more sketching will prove its worth in your design process. Consider using rough sketches for composition or layout options in your next project. Or push yourself to do another handful of thumbnail sketches before firing up Photoshop. In the article bioTrekker Logo Design Sketches, designer Karley Barrett shows us her vast use of rough sketches for logo design development.